I'm on my way from KY to OH, and I'm in tornado lookout mode. I had never been to this part of the country and my visit happened to coincide with the historic weather conditions, so I was a little nervous at times.
Nancy and her family have created a pretty amazing environment for students. This was the first day, and I only had a little idea of what I'd be in for. :)
Margaret Wolf is one of the very best reasons to take a class at the Crow Timber Frame Barn. Amazing chef, artist and so much more...
Nancy Crow is probably one of the most driven artists I've met. She really knows how to pull everything you've got out. It was an incredible experience.
Step one of my composition: This was a challenge for me because I usually piece as I go. In this case, we had to draw with the fabric, and then figure out how to put it together. It was a really good stretch for me.
My end result. I do not normally use these dark colors, but you start off with a limited palette in the early exercises. I actually like this piece and was relieved that I was able to finish at least one exercise in class. Figuring out how to put it together is always fun. :)